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AWS Developer Associate

Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling Groups

Scalability & High Availability

Vertical Scalability

Horizontal Scalability

High Availability

High Availability & Scalability For EC2

Scalability vs Elasticity (vs Agility)

Scalability Elasticity Agility
ability to accommodate a larger load by making the hardware stronger (scale up), or by adding nodes (scale out) once a system is scalable, elasticity means that there will be some “auto-scaling” so that the system can scale based on the load. This is “cloud-friendly”: pay-per-use, match demand, optimize costs (not related to scalability - distractor) new IT resources are only a click away, which means that you reduce the time to make those resources available to your developers from weeks to just minutes.

What is load balancing?

Why use a load balancer?

Why use an Elastic Load Balancer?

Health Checks

Types of load balancer on AWS

Classic Load Balancers (v1)

Application Load Balancer (v2)

Network Load Balancer (v2)

Gateway Load Balancer

Sticky Sessions (Session Affinity)

Cross-Zone Load Balancing

SSL/TLS - Basics

SSL - Server Name Indication (SNI)

Elastic Load Balancers - SSL Certificates

Connection Draining

What’s an Auto Scaling Group?


CloudWatch Alarms & Scaling

Scaling Strategies

Good metrics to scale on

Scaling Cooldowns

Auto Scaling - Instance Refresh