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AWS Developer Associate

EC2: Virtual Machines

What is Amazon EC2?

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides scalable computing capacity in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.

EC2 sizing & configuration options

EC2 User Data

EC2 Instance Types - Overview

General Purpose

Compute Optimized

Memory Optimized

Storage Optimized

Introduction to Security Groups

Deeper Dive

The fundamental of network security in AWS (Good to know)

Classic Ports to know

EC2 Instance Launch Types

On Demand Instance

Reserved Instances

Savings Plans

Spot Instances

Dedicated Hosts

Dedicated Instances

Capacity Reservations

Which purchasing option is right for me?

Price Comparison Example - m4.large - us-east-1

Price Type Price (per hour)
On-Demand $0.10
Spot Instance (Spot Price) $0.038 - $0.039 (up to 61% off)
Reserved Instance (1 year) $0.062 (No Upfront) - $0.058 (All Upfront)
Reserved Instance (3 years) $0.043 (No Upfront) - $0.037 (All Upfront)
EC2 Savings Plan (1 year) $0.062 (No Upfront) - $0.058 (All Upfront)
Reserved Convertible Instance (1 year) $0.071 (No Upfront) - $0.066 (All Upfront)
Dedicated Host On-Demand Price
Dedicated Host Reservation Up to 70% off
Capacity Reservations On-Demand Price

Shared Responsibility Model for EC2

Infrastructure (global network security) Security Groups rules
Isolation on physical hosts Operating-system patches and updates
Replacing faulty hardware Software and utilities installed on the EC2 instance
Compliance validation IAM Roles assigned to EC2 & IAM user access management, Data security on your instance

EC2 Section - Summary