Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) certification study notes, this guide will help you with quick revision before the exam. it can use as study notes for your preparation.
Dashboard Other Certification NotesMonitoring
- It is the tool provided by GCP for monitoring, logging and debugging
- It gives insides to application health, performance and availability
- Stackdriver Logging lets define metrics based on logs. These metrics can be displayed on dashboards
- Stackdirver Error Reporting: tracks errors in applications and it can notify us when new errors are detected
- Stackdriver Trace: report on application latency and sampling
Stackdriver Debugger: it connects application production data to the source code for inspecting application state
- Dynamically discovers cloud resources and application services
- We can have deep visibility into our applications in minutes
- Provides us access to powerful data an analytics tools
- Stackdriver offers services for:
- Monitoring
- Logging
- Error Reporting
- Tracing
- Debugging
- Supports several third party integrations
Stackdriver Monitoring
- Is at the base os SRE
- It dynamically configures monitoring after resources are deployed
- Allows us to monitor platform, systems an application metrics
- Workspace:
- Is a root entity that holds monitoring and configuration information in Stackdriver Monitoring
- We can have as many workspaces as we want, GCP projects can’t be monitored by more than one workspace
- The first monitored project is the Hosting Project and needs to be specified at the workspace creation
- Stackdriver allows us to create custom dashboards and charts based on the monitored data
- Alerting policies: we can create alerting policies based on monitored data. We can create notifications based on these alerting policies
- Update checks: test the availability of the public services
- Monitoring agent: used to access system resources and application services. It can be installed in compute resources and application services
Stackdriver Logging
- Allows us to store, search, analyze and alert on log data on events from GCP and AWS
- Logging includes storage for logs, an user interface Logs Viewer and an API to manage logs programmatically
- Logs are retained for 30 days, we can export logs into Cloud Storage, BigQuery and Cloud Pub/Sub
- Logging Agent: can be installed on VM instances for gathering logs
Stackdriver Error Reporting
- Counts, analyzes and aggregates errors for running cloud services
- Provides a centralized error management interface
Stackdriver Trace
- It is a distributed tracing system that collects latency data from application systems and generates in-depth latency reports
- Can collect data from App Engine, Google HTTP(S) load balances and applications implementing Cloud Trace SDKs
Stackdriver Debugger
- Let’s us inspect the state of a running application in real-time without stopping it or slowing it down significantly
- It can capture debug snapshots, call stack and local variables of a running application