Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) certification study notes, this guide will help you with quick revision before the exam. it can use as study notes for your preparation.
Dashboard Other Certification NotesCompute
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- Each VPC network is contained in a GCP project
- VPCs have global scope. They can have subnets in any GCP region worldwide
- Subnets can span the zone that make-up a region
- We can have resources in different zones in the same subnet
- We can dynamically increase the size of a subnet
Compute Engine
- Let’s us create and run virtual machine instances in the cloud
- When a machine is created, we can pick a machine type (determines memory and CPU)
- If there is no predefined type for our use-cases, we can make a custom VM
- VMs can have dedicated GPUs
- We can pick persistent disks for storage. We can chose standard or SSD storage types
- We can attach a local SSD for higher performance. Data is not persisted if the VM is terminated
- Preemptible VMs: they can be terminated by GCP if their resources is needed elsewhere. They are recommended for saving costs
VPC Capabilities
- VPCs have route tables for managing network connectivity routing
- VPCs have a global distributed firewall
- We can define firewall rules as metadata tags on the compute engine instances
- VPC Peering: connect VPCs between projects
- Cloud Load Balancing: fully distributed, software defined managed service for all the traffic. We don’t have to manage and scale them
- Cloud Load Balancers support HTTP, HTTPS, other TCP and SSL traffic and UDP traffic
- With Cloud Load Balancing a single unicast IP fronts the whole backend
- Load-balancing options:
- Global HTTP(s): L7, can route different URLs to different backends
- Global SSL Proxy: L4, can load-balance non-HTTPS SSL traffic supported on specific ports
- Global TCP Proxy: L4 lb for non-SSL TCP traffic
- Regional: load-balancing of any traffic (TCP, UDP) on specific ports
- Regional Internal: load-balancing of traffic inside a VPC
- Cloud DNS: managed, highly available and scalable DNS service
- Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network): we can use Google’s globally distributed edge caches to cache content close the users
- Cloud Router: allows for on-premises networks and Google VPCs to change routes over VPN using BGP
- Direct Peering: offers private connection between on-premises and Google for hybrid solutions
- Carrier Peering: hybrid connectivity through Google partners
- Dedicated Interconnect: we can connect N * 10G transport circuits for private cloud traffic to GCP. Offers 99.99 SLA