Cloud Run
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) certification study notes, this guide will help you with quick revision before the exam. it can use as study notes for your preparation.
Dashboard Other Certification NotesCloud Run
- Cloud Run is a managed compute platform that lets us run containers directly on top of Google’s scalable infrastructure
- On Cloud Run, we code can either run continuously as a service or as a job. Both services and jobs run in the same environment and can use the same integrations with other services on Google Cloud:
- Cloud Run services: used to run code that responds to web requests, or events
- Cloud Run jobs: used to run code that performs work (a job) and quits when the work is done
Cloud Run Pricing
- Scale to zero is attractive for economic reasons since we are charged for the CPU and memory allocated to a container instance with a granularity of 100ms
- If we don’t configure minimum instances, we’re not charged if your service is not used
- There are two pricing models you can enable:
- Request-based: if a container instance is not processing requests, the CPU is not allocated and we’re not charged. Additionally, we pay a per-request fee
- Instance-based: we’re charged for the entire lifetime of a container instance and the CPU is always allocated. There’s no per-request fee
Cloud Run Configurations
Environment Variables for Services
: the port our HTTP server should listen onK_SERVICE
: the name of the Cloud Run service being runK_REVISION
: the name of the Cloud Run revision being runK_CONFIGURATION
: the name of the Cloud Run configuration that created the revision