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AWS Devops Engineer Professional
ECS - Elastic Container System
ECS Clusters
- ECS Clusters are logical grouping of EC2 instances
- EC2 instances run the ECS agent which is a Docker container
- The ECS agents register the instance to the ECS cluster
- The EC2 instances run a special AMI made specifically for ECS
ECS Task Definition
- Task definitions are metadata in JSON format containing information how to run a Docker container
- It contains information about:
- Image name
- Port Binding for container and host
- Memory and CPU required
- Environment variables
- Networking information
ECS Service
- ECS services define how many tasks should run and how they should be running
- They ensure that the number of tasks desired are running across fleet of EC2 instances
- ECS services can be linked to an Elastic Load Balancer (NLB/ALB)
ECR - Elastic Container Registry
- ECR is a private Docker image repository
- Access to ECR is controller through IAM
- In order to push a Docker image to ECR, we have to do the following commands
- AWS CLI v1:
$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region eu-west1)
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
- Build the image:
docker build -d demo .
- Tag the image
docker tag demo:latest ...
- Push the image:
docker push
- Pull an image from ECR:
- Login with the same command above
- Pull the image:
docker pull
- It is a serverless service for running containers in the cloud
- We just have to create task definitions and AWS will run our containers
Elastic Beanstalk + ECS
- We can run Elastic Beanstalk in single and multi Docker container mode
- Multi Docker helps run multiple containers per EC2 instance in EB
- EB multi container mode will create:
- ECS cluster
- EC2 instances, configured to use the ECS cluster
- Load Balancer (in high availability mode)
- Task definitions and execution
- Requires a config file named which has to be placed a the root of the source code
ECS - IAM Roles
- EC2 instance: needs an EC2 service policy for being able to interact with ECS. The policy attached is usually the one managed by AWS named
- Task definitions can have a task role, which provides the Docker container tasks to interact with other AWS services
ECS - Auto Scaling
- Service Auto Scaling (optional): we can configure the minimum number of tasks, maximum number of tasks and the desired number of task. It is similar to EC2 auto scaling
- Scaling policies:
- Target tracking
- Step scaling: requires alarms to increase and decrease the number of tasks
ECS - Integration with CloudWatch
- For a task definition we can define a log drive at task creation
- With a log driver we can integrate the task logs with CloudWatch Logs
- For the log driver we can select the log group, log stream prefix and the AWS region
- There is no CloudWatch agent required to be installed for ECS
- CloudWatch Container Insights: sends per container metrics to CloudWatch. It collects, aggregates and summarizes compute utilization such as CPU, memory, disk, networking information
ECS CI/CD Pipeline