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Ruby on Rails cheat sheet

The cheat sheet covers some common commands, syntax, and concepts for Rails development

Rails CLI

Command Explanation
rails new project_name Create a new rails app
rails s Start the Rails server
rails c Rails console
bundle install Install dependencies
rails routes View all routes
rails dev:cache Toggle rails caching

Rails generators CLI

Command Explanation
rails g scaffold Product name:string price:decimal CRUD Scaffold (model, migrations, controller, views, test)
rails g scaffold Invoice customer:references CRUD Scaffold with one to many relationship field
rails destroy scaffold Product Delete scaffold created files
rails g controller Products index show Controller (name, action1, action2, …)
rails g model Product name:string active:boolean Model, migration and table columns
rails destroy scaffold Story Reverse a generated scaffold
rails destroy controller Story Reverse a generated controller
rails destroy model Story Reverse a generated model


Command Explanation
rails g migration Table Create new table migration
rails g migration add_comment_to_tables comment:text Update existing table migration
rails db:migrate Run migration
rails db:create create db
rails db:drop Delete db
rails db:seed Run database seed code
rails db:rollback Rollback last migration
rails db:reset Delete and re-create db and run migrations


# Route maps to controller#action
get 'welcome', to: 'pages#home'

# Root page (root_path name helper)
root 'pages#home' 

# Named route 
get 'exit', to: 'sessions#destroy', as: :logout

# Create all the routes for a RESTful resource
resources :items

# HTTP    Verb Path    Controller#Action  Named Helper
# GET     /items           items#index    items_path
# GET     /items/new       items#new      new_item_path
# POST    /items           items#create   items_path
# GET     /items/:id       items#show     item_path(:id)
# GET     /items/:id/edit  items#edit     edit_item_path(:id)
# PUT     /items/:id       items#update   item_path(:id)
# DELETE  /items/:id       items#destroy  item_path(:id)

# Only for certain actions
resources :items, only: :index

# Resource with exceptions 
resources :items, except: [:new, :create]

# Nested resources
resources :items do
  resources :reviews
# create 7 RESTful for items and reviews 
# :reviews will have /items/item:id prefixing each routes
# GET /items/:item_id/reviews  reviews#index  item_reviews_path 

# Dynamic segment: params['id']
get 'products/:id', to: 'products#show'
# Query String: url /products/1?user_id=2
# params will be {'id' 'user_id'}

# Namespace Admin::ArticleController
# and prefix '/admin'
namespace :admin do
  resources :articles

# only prefix '/admin'
scope '/admin' do
  resources :articles, :comments

# Redirect
get '/stories', to: redirect('/articles')


# Model validation
validates :title, :description, :image_url, presence: true
validates :email, presence: true, format: { with: /\A[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\z/, message: 'Must be a valid email address'}
validates :price, numericality: { greater_than_equal_to: 0.01 }
validates :title, uniqueness:  true
validates :title, length: { minimum: 3, maximum: 100 }
validates :type, inclusion: types.keys

# Model relationship
belongs_to :customer

# Relation with cascade delete
has_many :invoices, dependent: :destroy

#One to one
has_one :profile

# Hook methods 
before_destroy :ensure_not_reference_by_any_invoices 
before_save :downcase_email 

# create virtual password and password_confirmation 
# and bcrypt password_digest
# add method to model: user.authenticate(params[:password])

Active Record

# Active record common methods
# Throw error if not found
# Do not throw error if not found
Article.find_by(product_id: product_id)
@category = Category.find_by!(slug: params['slug']) # Return Not Found Error (404 page in production)
Article.where('quantity > 1')
Article.where(cat_id: cat_id, model: model)
Article.where(model: model).or(Article.where(cat_id: cat_id))
Article.join(:categories).where(categories: { id: 2 } )
Article.where("title LIKE ?", "%" + params[:q] + "%")
Article.column_names # ['id', 'name', 'price']
Category.delete_all # delete all rows in Category table
product.category = Category.all.sample # random for Faker data
@products = Product.offset(5).limit(10).all # skip 5, take 10


<%# Comment tag %>

<%# Output return expression tag %>
<%= %>

<%# No output return expression tag %>
<% if == 'Mike' %>

<%# Layout file : app/view/layouts/application.html.erb %>

<%# In layout file replace expression with page content %>
<%= yield %>

<%# View for the route name helper path %>
<%= link_to 'About', about_path, class: 'nav-link' %>

<%# View for the route name helper path with params %>
<%= link_to 'Item record', item_path(@item) %>

<%# auto object to route map (/products/:id) %>
<%= link_to 'Show', @product %>

<%# Delete link %>
<%= link_to 'Destroy', product, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>

<%# Post link %>
<%= button_to 'Add to Cart', line_items_path(product_id: product) %>

# link_to with slot
<%= link_to category_path do %>
  <%= %>
<% end %>

<%# Button form %>
<%= button_to 'Logout', logout_path, method: :delete %>

<%# Image asset (app/assets/images) %>
<%= image_tag "rails.png" %>

<%# Format currency %>
<%= number_to_currency(product.price) %>

<%# Safe Html render %>
<%= sanitize(product.description) %>

<%# Enable caching %>
<%= cache @products do %>

<%# Check url %>
<%= request.path.include?('post') ? 'active' : '' %>">

<%# Check current page %>
<%= current_page?('about') ? 'active' : '' %>">

<%# Render shared partial _navbar.html.erb %>
<%= render partial: 'shared/navbar' %>

<%# Render partial _form.html.erb %>
<%= render 'form', product: @product %>

<%# data tables iterations %>
<% @users.each do |user| %> <% end %>

<%# Render a for each _user.html.erb %>
<%= render @users %> 

<%# Conditional %>
<% if current_user.signed_in? %> 
<% else %> 
<% end %>

<%# Display errors %>
<% if @post.errors.any? %> 
<% if form.object.errors.any? %>

<% if @post.errors.empty? %>
<% @post.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
  <p class='error'><%= message %></p>
<%= user.errors.count %>
<%= post.errors[:description] %>

<%# Flash messages %>
<% flash.each do |msg_type, msg| %>
  <div class="alert alert-<%= msg_type %>">
    <%= msg %>
<% end %>


<%# Model form %>
<%= form_with(model: product), local: true do |form| %>
  <%= form.label :title %>
  <%= form.text_field :title, class: 'form-control' %>

  <%= form.submit %>
<% end %>

<%# Generic form %>
<%= form_with url: "/search", method: :get, local: true do |form| %>
  <%= form.label :query, "Search for:" %>
  <%= form.text_field :query, placeholder: 'search' %>
  <%= form.submit "Search", class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
<% end %>

<%# Multi-lines memo %>
<%= form.text_area :description, rows: 10, cols: 60 %>

<%# Collection Select (field, collection, key, value, label) %>
<%= form.collection_select :category_id, Category.all, :id, :name, {include_blank: '- Select a Category -'}, {class: 'form-select'}

<%# Select %>
<%= :type, Customer.types.keys, prompt: 'Select a type' %>
<%= :rating, (1..5) %>

<%# if form in new or edit mode change submit text %> 
<%= form.submit @product.new_record? ? 'Create' : 'Update', class: "mt-4 btn btn-primary" %>
# Create flash (reset every new request)
flash[:success] = 'User created with success!'

# Create (reset every new view render)[:error] = 'Please select s user!'

# Create session (reset every browser close)
session[:user_id] =

# Check if session exist

# Remove

# Remove all

# Create cookie (reset at expiration date)
cookies.permanent[:remember_token] = remember_token

# Encrypted cookie
cookies.permanent.encrypted[:user_id] =

# Delete cookie